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Adhesions are defined as an abnormal connection of tissue between two structures in the body. In the gynaecological case, we usually talk about adhesions between the bowel and pelvic organs or the bowel and abdominal wall read more 


Endometriosis is defined as the growth of menstrual tissue (the tissue that comes out with each period) anywhere other than within the normal cavity of the uterus. This usually involves the tubes and ovaries (known as endometriomas – cystic swellings of endometriosis in the ovaries), inside the muscle of the uterus (adenomyosis) or cervix, in the ligaments behind the uterus (uterosacral ligaments), involving the bowel or bladder or indeed anywhere in the body read more


Hysterectomy means removal of the uterus or womb. It is one of the most common gynaecological procedures performed and possibly one of the most misunderstood. Many people confuse removal of the uterus with menopause. This is not the case. Removal of the uterus means the end of menstrual periods, however if the ovaries remain, then hormone production continues and no change is noticed, apart from the absence of periods. Menopause will occur one day, but not as a part of the hysterectomy read more


The uterus is made of smooth muscle which allows it to expand greatly during pregnancy before returning to its original size afterwards, but also to change in size and shape during the menstrual cycle. In some cases, discrete benign tumours or growths of this smooth muscle within the wall of the uterus causes the development of fibroids read more

Pap Smear Problems

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is responsible for the vast majority of pre-cancerous changes in the female cervix (the neck of the womb) causing abnormalities detected by a regular pap smear read more

Ovarian Cysts

The female ovary is a very active organ, producing a mature follicle (egg) every month from the teenage years until just before the menopause. Because of this activity, it is prone to produce  growths that may cause pain, infertility or in rare cases, cancer read more


Urinary incontinence in women is broadly divided into two categories – stress incontinence (discussed below) and urinary urgency – the need to rush to the toilet frequently often not making it in time. They have different mechanisms of action and may be present in combination or as a single problem, but it is important to note the difference in the two types, as for a sufferer, incontinence is incontinence regardless of the mechanism causing it read more


Female pelvic organ prolapse is a common occurrence especially after childbirth. It can present as;

  • A bulge felt vaginally especially when washing
  • Loss of urine with coughing, jumping, running etc
  • Loss of sensation with intercourse for either partner
  • Dragging or back pain especially towards the end of the day
  • Need to push inside the vagina to pass urine or stool read more

Female Sterilisation Procedures

For women whose family is complete and who no longer wish to use reversible forms of contraception such as the pill or an IUD, a number of options exist for permanent sterilization. In the past, the most common form of female permanent sterilization was a laparoscopic tubal ligation read more

Reversal of Sterilisation

Many women call the practice to enquire about reversal of sterilization. In theory this is possible and Dr Rosen can certainly perform the procedure laparoscopically with minimal risk and speedy return to work. There are however, some issues to consider read more

Family Risk of Cancer

In Australia, the background risk of Breast Cancer for women is 1:10 (10%) whilst for Ovarian cancer it is 1:100 (1%). Some families however carry a greater risk read more

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